Monday, August 08, 2005

Are T*ts bad for Europe?

They are, if you follow the latest news from Brussels:

click here

For some reason (other than the otherwise obvious one), the dirndl-clad waitresses have caught the eye of the blessed officials at the European Authorities.

While not everybody is a fan of scantily clad females in dubitable and highly alcoholised company, I have never heard anybody ever took offense in such a way that they would feel the need to abolish this, all things considered, rather harmless bit of bavarian pseudo-heritage.

Well, we live and learn.

yours truly.


At Tue Aug 09, 05:00:00 pm CEST, Blogger Duckiputz said...

Hey, I finally got in on the joke...

It´s all about exposure!

Now, before we all fall down laughing, it´s about exposure to SUN.

Can you dig it?


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